
Python equivalents of JavaScript Error types.


jstypes.JSErrorData(self, message=None, *, name=JSErrorName.Error, stack=None, cause=None)

A minimal representation of a JavaScript Error.

This type holds just the JavaScript Error fields that are stored in the V8 Serialization format. It doesn’t extend Python’s Exception type. Use this to represent JavaScript Error values that don’t need to be treated like Python Exceptions.


Name Type Description Default
message str | None A description of the error. None
name str The name of the error type. Can be anything, but values not in JSErrorName are equivalent to using "Error". JSErrorName.Error
stack str | None The stack trace detailing where the error happened. None
cause object | None Any object or value that caused this error. None


Name Description
builder Create a JSErrorData by copying another, satisfying JSErrorBuilder.
from_exception Create JSErrorData that reproduces the details of a Python Exception.
from_traceback_exception Create JSErrorData containing details from a TracebackException.


jstypes.JSErrorData.builder(initial_js_error, /)

Create a JSErrorData by copying another, satisfying JSErrorBuilder.

This is a JSErrorBuilder function to configure TagReader to build JSErrorDatas.



Create JSErrorData that reproduces the details of a Python Exception.



Create JSErrorData containing details from a TracebackException.


jstypes.JSError(self, message=None, *, name=JSErrorName.Error, stack=None, cause=None)

A Python Exception that represents a JavaScript Error.

This is intended to be used to handle JavaScript errors on the Python side. To send Python errors to JavaScript, use JSErrorData.from_exception() to format a Python Exception like a JavaScript Error. (This happens automatically when serializing Python Exceptions.)


Name Description
cause Another error (or arbitrary object) that this error was caused by.
message The JavaScript Error’s message.
name The JavaScript Error’s name.
stack The stack trace showing details of the Error and the calls that lead up


Name Description
builder Create a JSError by copying another, satisfying JSErrorBuilder.
from_js_error Create a JSError by copying fields from another JSError-like object.


jstypes.JSError.builder(initial_js_error, /)

Create a JSError by copying another, satisfying JSErrorBuilder.

This is a JSErrorBuilder function to configure TagReader to build JSErrors.

TagReader has js_error_builder option that this function can be passed to to have it create JSError objects when deserializing JavaScript Errors.



Create a JSError by copying fields from another JSError-like object.